Tuesday, December 11, 2007

First Day Of School

Wow! What a day! I decided to teach my son, Esteban Lee preschool at home instead of sending him to preschool. I never dreamed that teaching a 4 yr old how to draw a letter or a circle could be so hard. Why is it so hard to hold a pencil just right and to draw a circle in between two lines? He did OK on coloring in between the lines, recognizing his shapes, and his numbers. He struggles with the writing thing. Was I the same way? We have the same personality. I feel sorry for my poor teachers. Please help me pray for patience. I really need it. We both were almost in tears so I stopped a few minutes early.
Whew! What a morning trying to teach school, potty train my 2 yr old, and take care of my 9 month old baby, and clean house in between. I think that I will feed them lunch and send them to bed so I can finish cleaning the house and crash for a little bit. I hope that I will have a better afternoon. Actually, it probably wasn't as bad as it sounds. Have a wonderful Day!

1 comment:

Arlene said...

Hey Kids,
I have been there and done that!! but you will be glad you stuck with it and Esteban will not be so far behind when he goes to school. And one day he will thank you for teaching him. have a good day enjoyed you blog